Calling all horse riders!

Calling All horse riders!

Have you fallen recently?  Did you get yourself checked out? After reading this you may think again…

Dressage rider Jody Haswell based in West Sussex fell from a horse approximately 18 months ago and has since been suffering with neck pain and persistent migraines. Following a recent appointment with his GP to enquire about the same symptoms it is now thought he may have sustained a fracture in his neck at the time of the accident.

Take Heed

Horse riders wear hats and occasionally body protectors but it must be remembered that this will not protect you from all injuries. A lot of the time riders fall and will get back on straight away, not noticing any symptoms initially. This doesn’t necessarily mean there isn’t an underlying fracture, soft tissue injury or instability in a joint. This is where a review with a GP, A+E or a Chartered Physiotherapist will identify any concerns and ensure you are not putting yourself at risk by carrying on. In addition, by visiting a health professional the appropriate treatment can be implemented, for example a rehabilitation programme from a physiotherapist.

If you have fallen off your horse whether recently or over the years, get yourself checked out. Call our Physiotherapy team on 01202 725090 or email


For the original article click here