What to expect on your first Chiropractic treatment

Chiropractic at Lilliput Health

What to expect from your initial Chiropractic consultation

Your first visit to the clinic will initially involve a detailed history taking from your chiropractor. They will ask you lots of questions about the presenting complaint, your previous medical history and overall health. If you are bring a baby or toddler it is a good idea to bring their red book with you.

What is involved in the Chiropractic assessment

They will then do a physical “hands on” examination. This may include such things as feeling the joints and muscles, assessing your posture and range of movement or various tests to assess your nerves. Your chiropractor may also take your blood pressure or listen to your chest. You will normally be required to undress, depending on the area of complaint. A gown to wear will be available should you wish to wear one, or you may want to bring in a vest or a pair of shorts.

You Chiropractic Report of Findings (ROF)

Once they have all the information your chiropractor will review your case and put together a personalised care plan for you. They will explain what is wrong and the course of action they suggest. Only after a full explanation and your consent will treatment then go ahead.

If needed we can refer you for imaging such as X-ray, MRI or ultrasound and this can be arranged privately or through your GP. If the best course of action is to see another healthcare professional then rest assured we will refer you onwards.

Finally if you wish to bring someone with you, a family member or friend then you are more than welcome to.