Musculoskeletal disorders leading to absenteeism from work

Chartered Physiotherapist Rebecca Wyatt reviews a recent news article on lost working days in 2013…

Last year approximately 30 million work days were lost due to problems such as low back and neck pain as well as muscle pain. This is a cause for concern considering that the most common reason given for taking a day off sick in 2013 was the common cold, and this led to only 27.4 million days off work. The figures come from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in their Sickness Absence in the Labour Force survey which is based around 400,000 interviews of UK adults, which if you do the maths does not equate to or represent the entire population. Therefore these actual figures could be even higher than reported.

From reading the above it is clear to see how much of an impact musculoskeletal disorders have on quality of life for thousands of workers within the UK and on another level, the effect it has on industries and commerce. It is of great importance that workers are enabled in returning to work as soon as possible which is where physiotherapy comes in.

Being highly skilled in the assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders Physiotherapists should be the first port of call if you are in the unfortunate situation of taking time off work due to pain. Visiting a private physiotherapist as soon as possible means speedier access to treatment, leading to a quicker recovery.

In your local area, Lilliput Health in Poole has an experienced team of chartered physiotherapists ready to help you with any musculoskeletal problems. For more information or to book an appointment call the clinic 01202 725090 or email on


To see the original article piece click here

To see the ONS survey click here